VSETT electric scooter company has made it clear they are the dominant trendsetter in the e-scooter space. Their newest secret formula for the end of 2021. is VSETT 11+ SUPER 72! We will tell you more about this scooter later, but we want you to firstly read about how VSETT evolved to VSETT 11+ SUPER 72!

VSETT electric scooters not only perform, but they look different than others on the market with innovations like NFC unlock, best folding mechanism as seen on VSETT 9, 9+ AND VSETT 10+, great hydraulic suspension, and hydraulic brakes on 10+ and 11+ models.

Photo by EvNerds
VSETT is capable of starting electric-scooter TRENDS
You may argue about the red and blue colors of VSETT 11+ electric scooters for example, but on the other hand; think about the time and exactly when did red and black color combination on scooters become popular?

Vsett 11+ electric scooter
Photo by EvNerds
That’s right when ZERO electric scooter range from FALCONPEV came to the market 2 years ago by the same people who are behind VSETT!

In our opinion, only black-colored scooters are boring, and we congratulate VSETT for having the balls to stand out on the e-scoot market with different color philosophies!

VSETT company successfully gone through these COVID times supply chain problems and was able to create a network of distributors and resellers so fast that the demand was bigger than supply.

This is unseen in the electric scooter market and for a “young e-scooter brand” like VSETT. Falconpev had the advantage of first-mover on the market since they built Zero before that, but they also decided to create another brand that will not be copied and be rebranded by a dozen of other companies.

Since the production takes place in China, this is a worthy accomplishment as it pushes the brand to a whole new level! Vsett brand is now recognizable in the entire world, and Vsett scooter line-up is top-notch considering the diversity of different electric scooter models!

VSETT 8 and VSETT 8+ scooters are small but fast little electric scooters that fit any car or space, and they are easy to carry. VSETT 9, VSETT9 + scoots are more powerful, take more space and they still fit in the “easy to carry” scooters category. They are somewhere between High powered electric scooters and starter scooters.

The plus scooters have dual motors, and even 8+ climbing ability is incredible, so owners do not lose the performance when choosing lower-powered and smaller VSETT scooters.

On top of that, almost every scooter in this lineup has 3 versions of battery capacity so you can spend the amount of money for the amount of mileage that you need.

VSETT 11+ Electric Scooter changed the game of High Powered E-scooter
Vsett 11+ electric scooter was the much-anticipated successor of ZERO 11x, but some people who only think about the maximum speed were not satisfied because it was a few Km/h slower than Zero 11x.
It is okay to think that way, but since we are riders who mostly max out on what we think is usable road speed condition ( like 60 Km/h ) and love the acceleration; we were looking for stability, torque, maneuvering, and comfort as well. In these four mentioned things, VSETT 11+ proved that it is hard to beat. VSETT 11+ has a lot of torque, and a scooter that leaves you with a feeling of safety at any speed, any terrain feels like riding over the clouds.
VSETT 11+ SUPER 72 Electric Scooter

Why is it called Super 72? To shut those who were saying that e-scooter needs 72V to be a game-changer. VSETT decided to say: Okay, no problem, 72V it is! A few days ago they published website information about the new scooter being built, and a video that shows the scooter in yellow colors ( most of you guys liked the idea of ” BUMBLEBEE” colors, and so did the VSETT ) that everybody was complimenting.


The video above does not show what speed VSETT 11+ SUPER 72 can achieve. It is clear that the front light is changed with added grill bars, halndle-bar is foldable like on 10+, and front fork is a bit different. Obviously in the next few weeks or a month, we will see what VSETT SUPER 72 can do! So far the VSETT website has the same speed specs as VSETT 11+.

The conclusion is: Either the speed will stay the same, and only torque will increase, or speed and torque increase. We think that the second option is a bigger possibility. Whatever it is, we love it!
Check out Vsett website for more info, Instagram for pretty pics!
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