May 03, 2018
The battery is one of the most important (and expensive) parts of an electric scooter and it has to be well maintained and taken care of. Its warranty period is usually shorter than the warranty period of an e-scooter or e-bike. But you can significantly prolong the life of the battery of your e-scooter by just following 6 simple rules.
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April 04, 2018
What Not To Do As an E-Scooter Rider In this article, we would like to feature some of the mind boggling, image tarnishing stuff that some e-scooter riders in our community are doing. These are the absolute minority but they are giving the majority a bad name. E-Scooters by regulation need to fall within the
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March 24, 2018
How to Diagnose Battery Capacity We haven’t done a tutorial in a while and we thought it appropriate to address the most pressing topic in the e-scooter and e-bike world i.e. Li ion batteries! In Part 1 of our battery series, we try to answer many of your most pressing concerns in battery maintenance. Many
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March 10, 2018
Thoughts on the Growth of E-Scooter Sharing Providers Bike sharing is taking off everywhere, in China, Singapore and many other countries all around the world. Venture capitalists have poured millions if not billions into it. Even Southeast Asian rideshare unicorn Grab has stepped into the game in their recent announcement of GRABCYCLE, partnering with bicycle
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March 08, 2018
Battle of the Best Seated E-Scooters When the Inmotion P1F e-scooter was released in 2016, it was one of the first ergonomically designed e-scooter with an integrated seat. Widely mistaken as an e-bike, the Inmotion is classified as an e-scooter due to its lack of pedals. The Inmotion became quite popular for it’s compact dimension and
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March 01, 2018
Finally, a Compact Ergonomic E-Scooter… We have all been waiting for something like this for quite a while. And the engineers at DYU has answered our call. Back in 2016, we announced the launch of the Stigo and the Stigo was admittedly abit on the heavy side at 15kg. The e-scooter rider is a very weight-sensitive
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February 22, 2018
You guys all heard about 2017’s most exciting e-scooter product, the Dualtron Ultra. The Dualtron is a powerhouse e-scooter with plenty of punch on the get-go, dual suspension and an amazing battery range. Its only downside: the weight. The whole package was close to 40kg. However, the Dualtron is last year’s news. In the breakneck pace
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February 06, 2018
Feeling lost when buying an e-scooter as there are so many models and variants? We made it simple for you! Here are the 8 considerations you should take into mind when buying an electric scooter or e-scooter.
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February 05, 2018
Adoption of the 250W EN Standard All through Europe and many parts of Asia including Singapore, regulators have adopted the EN 15194 standard as their de-facto electric bike certification baseline. This is especially annoying to users and enthusiasts as this certification shows 3 things: 1. Lack of technical knowledge of how power is transmitted in
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